Friday, June 29, 2012

A Sad Day

Duster died on this day.  Scott and I were going to help a neighbor move some cows.  Duster seemed perfectly normal when I was saddling him up at our ranch, but when I pulled him out of the trailer at the pasture out in the sage brush where we were going to start from, he was acting strange.  He kept trying to stretch out and pee and then acted like he wanted to lay down.  We called our vet, and I quickly put Duster back in the trailer and raced for town.  I met the vet and he examined Duster and started treating him for colic.  He gave him shots to relax his muscles and for the pain, and then tubed him with oil to try and get his digestive system to start working again.  Duster was in pain and wanted to lie down and roll, but we kept him walking so that he wouldn't twist his intestines or stomach.  Duster continued to get worse and bloated up and then died a few hours later.  I would like to thank Dr. Lanny Weddle for doing all that he could and for my friends that helped me keep Duster walking before he died.  

Duster was a wonderful horse and we shared many exciting adventures together.  I wish that we could have had at least a few more years of trail rides, but it wasn't meant to be.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry Jeannie! Poor Duster! You were such a good mom to him. It's so sad when our animal friends leave us! I'll be thinking of you during this difficult time.
