Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 I was going to ride down a two-track road off of County Road 8A to the North Sand Dunes (yes, along with pelicans and seagulls, we have sand dunes) but there was a wooden barrier with No Trespassing and Private Property signs blocking the road that did not used to be there.  I try to obey any posted signs, so I did not go that way but made a loop to the west and south.  Later, my husband talked to a DOW officer (Division of Wildlife) who told him who had posted the signs.  Turns out it was another rancher who we know and they own 40 acres right in the middle of this particular State Wildlife Area.  The next time I try to go to the North Sand Dunes, I'll give them a call and see if I can get permission to pass through their property.
 One of the nice things about riding around in our part of the country is that you can name things and there is no one there to correct you.  I call this rock formation, Dinosaur Ridge.
 Looking east at the Rawah Mountains.

Rode Duster with Bear & Zoe.  The weather was gorgeous without a cloud in the sky.  Photos taken with Leica camera.

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